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 On August 16, 2023, we begin this semester’s Weekend Food Program for 30 at-risk children from Oscar J. Pope Elementary School. This year, there are two ways to help. Like last year, we still need the congregation to bring Ramen Noodles and Peanut Butter (16/18 oz jars.) This year, we are purchasing the remainder of the food directly rather than being supplied by a service.         

Attached to the food storage cupboard are two sign-up lists.  One list is for sponsoring children’s meals, the approximate cost of a weekend meal supplement is $6.75.  We appreciate those who have already been making contributions, the price of groceries keeps rising!         

The second list, is for any of you who wish to assist with the assembly of the food bags or help shop/pick up food deliveries from the Sam’s Club on the Southside.  There are slots for two assistants and an alternate each week, along with a space for your preferred contact number.  (We will only contact the alternate if one of the other two cannot make it that week.)        

Join us for packing!  It’s fun.