Ongoing ministries include the Oscar J. Pope Elementary School Backpack ministry providing weekend supplemental food to needy students, the Quilting ministry which sews quilts for Lutheran World Relief, and participation in PEACE (Polk Ecumenical Action Council for Empowerment) which builds local justice ministries. Coordinates individual Thrivent grants. Provides meeting space for Twelve Step Groups (AA, NA, & OA).
Dan Stoller, Chairperson
Each month a different group is focused. Plans for 2023 include:
January | VISTE collection food items and clothes |
February | CROP WALK collection for food |
March | Anchor House for Boys |
April | ELCA God's Global Barnyard |
May | Resurrection (REZ) House in Dade City -- food & clothing needs for migrant workers |
June | VISTE food items |
July | Christmas in July (church needs) |
August | Oscar J. Pope Elementary School -- school supplies |
September | Talbot House -- donations, clothing |
October | SPCA -- food, toys, treats, towels, blankets, donations |
November | Cops for Kids -- toys for Christmas |
December | Pastor's Discretionary Fund |